Arshan Dabirsiaghi

Arshan Dabirsiaghi is the Director of Research of <a href="">Aspect Security</a>, a company that specializes in application security services. He contributes to many OWASP groups and, not surprisingly, voted for Nader.</p> Arshan just left PR hack on AOL yesterday and is trying to figure out why alert(document.cookie) is so interesting. He spends most of his work time abusing web applications, teaching classes all over the world and doing research into next generation web application attacks and defenses. He also feels weird about doing the only defensive talk at ShmooCon 2009 and promises to be more offensive than George Carlin next time he comes back.</p>

Appearing at:

The OWASP AntiSamy Project

Appearing at:

The Gentlemen's Agreement: Pwning Friends Legally for Fun, ????, and Profit