Jaime Sanchez

Jaime Sanchez (@segofensiva) is passionate about computer security that has worked for over 13 years as a specialist advisor for large national and international companies. He holds a Computer Engineering degree and also Executive MBA, as well as holding several certifications like CISA, CISM, CISSP, just to name a few.

He is a frequent speaker introducing new bugs, exploitation techniques and mitigation, as in RootedCON, Nuit du Hack, Black Hat Arsenal USA 2013, Defcon 21, DeepSec or BlackHat Sao Paulo. He also writes a blog called SeguridadOfensiva (www.seguridadofensiva.com), touching on current topics in the field of hacking and security.

Appearing at:

Malicious Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Defenses in WhatsApp and Mobile Instant Messaging Platforms