Doug Wilson

Douglas Wilson is the manager of the Mandiant Threat Indicators team, a part of the Threat Intelligence business unit. Doug's team primarily works on developing and refining techniques for improving threat indicator quality and coverage, as well as working on innovative threat intelligence automation efforts. Doug is based out of Washington DC. He has over 14 years of experience in a variety of Information Security and Technology positions, including having previously focused in Incident Response and Multi-tiered Application Architecture. Doug is also the unofficial spokesperson for the open threat information sharing standard, OpenIOC ( Doug has spoken on various Infosec topics at events including FIRST, GFIRST, DoD Cybercrime, NIST IT-SAC, Suits and Spooks, Shmoocon, and many other local events in the Washington DC Metropolitan area.

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Information-sharing Tools, Taxonomies, and Trust: Babel or Better?