The Mile High Club: Getting Root at 40,000 Feet

Have you ever been stuck on a plane with no internet, and wished that you could be doing something better, like hacking? Thanks to new airline technologies, now you can!

The current trend in the airline industry is to move in-flight entertainment to passenger's mobile devices, instead of relying on in-seat displays. This presentation will cover an in-depth analysis of a popular inflight entertainment system and assess the (scary... very scary) security implications for both the traveler and the airline. A few of the topics covered will be:

Learn how to choose exactly what content is served up (Is it time for Rebecca Black to make a comeback yet?). See how an hacking the entertainment system can actually get a plane grounded. Is your plane PCI compliant? Those credit card numbers used to pay for premium content have to go somewhere... Hack all the planes! Why hack one when you can have a self propagating global plane botnet?!

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