Parker Schmitt

Parker Schmitt is currently working as a penetration tester and is working on some Network/Virtualization Management on the side along with the soon to be released Glassdoor Exfiltration Toolkit. He has made various contributions to Gentoo and the Gentoo-Hardened project (mostly in SELinux) and submitted some ebuilds (including Samba 4). In Gentoo he specializes in hardening layers (SELinux, PaX, GRSecurity), Virtualization, and Networking. He also loves mathematics, mathematical modeling, and is a serious crypto nerd. In the realm of security his interests include wifi attacks from drones, data exfiltration, and Linux hardening. Outside of security he loves flying airplanes and playing the piano.

Appearing at:

Wireless Drone Strikes Episode II: Attack of the Drones!