Be Free, Little GuardBunny!

A few years ago I had cause to do some research into RFID “shielding” wallets, and decided that most of them weren’t very good. Even the good ones could be disabled by simply increasing power; I came away thoroughly unimpressed with the entire concept.

I thought about it for a bit, and then came up with GuardBunny. It prevents RFID tags from being read in a different way – by jamming the reader with its own energy. In its current form GuardBunny provides decent protection but it isn’t perfect, and I feel bad letting it sit alone and unloved solely because I haven’t the time to work on improvements. Instead, I’m open-sourcing it in the hope that someone else can develop it further. This talk will discuss what GuardBunny is, walk through its functional and electrical theories of operation, list its weaknesses and explore possible solutions to them. I’ll also drop a bunch of tips about how to productize it (if that’s your thing), and open-source all of the schematics and gerber files – I may even have some samples to hand out.

Be free, tiny bunny! Go play with the moose! :)

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