Penny Chase is the Information Technology and Cyber Security Integrator in the Information Technology Technical Center at The MITRE Corporation. In this role Penny promotes collaboration across MITRE’s Information Technology and Cyber Security Technical Centers. Previously she was the Department Head for Human Language Technology within the Information Technology Technical Center. She has led MITRE and government-sponsored projects in developing structured representations for malware and threat information, security visualization, software assurance, malware analysis, reverse engineering, software architecture and design pattern recovery, network penetration testing, legacy database encapsulation, machine learning, and discourse-based natural language interfaces. Penny’s research has been presented at dozens of conferences. Penny is the Principal Investigator of a MITRE Sponsored Research Project on medical device security and safety, and supports MITRE’s FDA/CDRH project on medical device cybersecurity. She is also the Principal Investigator of the Sharing Healthcare Fraud Data MSR. In addition, Penny leads the DHS Malware Attribute Enumeration and Characterization (MAEC) project for DHS. Previously she chaired the DHS/DOD/NIST Software Assurance Forum Working Group on Malware; served as the Deputy Director of the ARDA Northeast Regional Research Center, managing workshops that addressed Intelligence Community challenge problems; and was a member of the NASA Advisory Council’s subcommittee on Avionics, Software, and Cybersecurity.
Penny received her Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and History (withHarpur College Honors) from the State University of New York at Binghamton in 1975. She received her Master of Arts in the History of Science from Harvard University in 1976 and her Master of Science in Computer Science from Harvard University in 1986.
Toward Consistent, Usable Security Risk Assessment of Medical Devices