David Schwartzberg

David Schwartzberg is a Senior Manager Security & Privacy at MobileIron, a mobile security company, where he specializes in mobile and network security. Utilizing his 6 years accounting experience and combined 22 years InfoTech and InfoSec experience, he speaks regularly with technology executives and professionals to help protect their corporate secrets and stay compliant. In his spare time he co-founded Hak4Kidz, and has blogged for Dark Reading, Naked Security, Barracuda Labs and currently for MobileIron Rethink:Security. He has spoken at conferences such as Black Hat Arsenal, BSides, Converge, DEF CON Packet Hacking Village, DerbyCON, GrrCON, OWASP AppSec, RSA Conference, THOTCON, (ISC)2 Congress and several others. David has earned several certifications in the field of Information Technology and Information Security. If you need to know the list of certifications, that's what Linkedin is for.

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