Will Schroeder

Will Schroeder (@harmj0y) is security researcher and red teamer. He has presented at a number of conferences including ShmooCon, DEF CON, DerbyCon and several Security BSides conferences on topics spanning AV-evasion, post-exploitation, red teaming tradecraft, and offensive PowerShell. Will is a co-founder of the Veil-Framework, developed PowerView and PowerUp, is an active developer on the PowerSploit project, and is a co-founder and core developer of Empire.

Appearing at:

A Year in the Empire

Will Schroeder (@harmj0y) is an Information Security Researcher and red teamer for Veris Group'?'s Adaptive Threat Division. He is the co-founder the Veil-Framework, PowerTools, and PowerShell Empire, and has presented at ShmooCon, Defcon, Derbycon, and various Security BSides on topics spanning AV-evasion, post-exploitation, red teaming, offensive PowerShell, and more.

Appearing at:

Attacking EvilCorp: Anatomy of a Corporate Hack