Arian Evans

Arian Evans is a 17-year veteran of the software-security industry. As VP of Product Strategy Arian is responsible for ensuring RIskIQ technology enables enterprises to accurately visualize their internet-exposed attack surface, and detect external threats. Prior to RiskIQ - Arian spent 8 years at WhiteHat Security as VP of Operations, and VP of Product Strategy, where he was responsible for creating product lines, service-delivery, customer support, and building WhiteHat's Threat Research Center, and R&D teams, testing over 40,000 applications continuously. Prior to this Arian was Global Application Security Practice Lead for FishNet Security, IPO for US Central, and a software security engineer for several financial services organizations. Evans also worked on global projects for the Center for Internet Security, NIST, the U.S. FBI, the U.S. Secret Service, including incident-response/forensics for three letter agencies, and many large commercial organizations. Evans is a frequent speaker at industry conferences including BlackHat, Derbycon, OWASP, Hacker Halted, NIST, and has researched and published zero-day attack-techniques in widely-deployed, flagship products from vendors such as Cisco, Microsoft, and Nokia.

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Top 10 2015-2016 compromise patterns observed & how to use non-traditional Internet datasets to detect & avoid them