Defending Against Phishing: Effective Phishing Incident Response Using Employees, Incident Responders, and Intelligence.

As the security industry has continued to under invest in the human element of security, phishing has become the top attack vector for cyber criminals. Breaches continue to occur in record numbers, identification takes an exorbitantly long time, and the most preferred target is an organization’s people. Effective phishing defense and incident response involves empowering humans to provide vetted intelligence into your incident response teams. In addition, human-verified phishing intelligence provides security teams with more than just indicators, but enriched intelligence and context uncovering criminal infrastructure. SOC and IR teams can then delve into incidents that matter most because they know where to focus their efforts. Effective phishing incident response is a holistic approach involving employees, human-verified phishing intelligence, and well-prepared security analysts and responders. Mike Saurbaugh will provide attendees with guidance for a successful phishing incident response program.

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