Anti-Ransomware: Turning the Tables

“ZOMGWTFBBQ! We just got hit with Ransomware!” What you don’t usually hear next is, “LOL!” You can build defenses that prevent Ransomware from paralyzing your organization — we’ll show you how. Watching business executives trying to buy Bitcoin is like watching grandmothers trying to buy heroin — awk-ward!

Ransomware is now a billion dollar industry, having exploded in popularity in 2016 and it’s only going to get tremendously HUUGE in 2017. Lost productivity costs far more than the average ransom, so execs just say, “Pay the damn thing and make it go away.” But what if you could stop Ransomware in its tracks?

We’ll discuss the technical tools and methodologies that are battle-proven and ACTUALLY WORK, as evidenced by ransomware that was prevented entirely, as well as ransomware infections that went nowhere due to proper mitigations in place. Finally, insights into the future of this exploding cybercrime niche, we’ll offer predictions on how this “industry” will evolve and what to expect next.

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