Duncan Sparrell

Duncan Sparrell is a seasoned (aka old) software developer and network security evangelist. He graduated back when computers were the size of buildings and programmed with punch cards. He is semi-retired and trying to give back to the community while pursuing his interests in cloud security, agile, secure software development, and erlang. Most of his cyber experience is blue team (defense) but he kick-started his cyber chops as part of a CNA (offense) team during first Gulf War. Besides having various certs (CSSIP, CSSLP, CCSK, PE), he was awarded the Intelligence Community Seal Medallion, and the AT&T Science and Technology Medal. His PGP fingerprint is “A870 5F67 00F9 D3FC ECD1 2D97 2A42 E870 6A4E EC12”, his twitter handle is @dsparrell, his peerlyst handle is sFractal, and his github handle is sparrell.

Appearing at:

Responding to Cyber Attack at Machine Speed