Black Ball - SailorGloom (DJ)
White Ball - Mumpi (DJ)
White Ball - Snow Crash (DJ)
Registration at Royale Registration Desk
"Smart" Parking Meter Implementations, Globalism, and You(aka Meter Maids Eat Their Young)
Breaking the "Unbreakable" Oracle with Metasploit
Hacker vs. Disasters Large and Small: Hacker Skills for Wilderness and Disaster Survival
Weaponizing the Web: New Attacks on User-generated Content
Old Skool Brought Back: A 1964 Modem Demo
Undecided (DJ)
A Low Cost Spying Quadrotor for Global security Applications Using Hacked Commercial Digital Camera
Using Guided Missiles in Drive-Bys: Automatic browser fingerprinting and exploitation with Metasploit
CSRF: Yeah, It Still Works
Air Traffic Control: Insecurity and ADS-B
RFID MythBusting
Metasploit Goes Web
Personal Survival Preparedness
The security risks of Web 2.0
Packing and the Friendly Skies
DJ Reeves
Design and Implementation of a Quantum True Random Number Generator
Identifying, Exploring, and Predicting Threats in the Russian Hacker Community
Injectable Exploits: Two New Tools for Pwning Web Apps and Browsers
Unfair Use - Speculations on the Future of Piracy
HoaX (DJ)
The Projects of "Prototype This!"
FOE -- Feeding Controversial News to Censored Countries (Without Using Proxy Servers)
Abusing Firefox Addons
Smashing the Stack with Hydra: The Many Heads of Advanced Polymorphic Shellcode
Inconspicuous Villain (DJ)
Gringo Warrior
Hardware Trojans: Infiltrating the Faraday Cage
PLA Information Warfare Development Timeline and Nodal Analysis
Hijacking Web 2.0 Sites with SSLstrip--Hands-on Training
The Making of the second SQL injection Worm
Simo Sleevin (DJ)
Picking Electronic Locks Using TCP Sequence Prediction
MSF Telephony
Hacking the Smart Grid
Sniff Keystrokes With Lasers/Voltmeters
Hadoop: Apache's Open Source Implementation of Google's MapReduce Framework
Manipulation and Abuse of the Consumer Credit Reporting Agencies
Simon Plexus (DJ)
Metasploit Evolved
Meterpreter Advances
An Open JTAG Debugger
MSF Wifi
Bluetooth, Smells Like Chicken
"I Am Walking Through a City Made of Glass and I Have a Bag Full of Rocks"
Clobbering the Cloud
The Scritch (DJ)
App Assessment the Metasploit Way
Doppelganger: The Web's Evil Twin
Router Exploitation
Preparing for Cyber War: Strategy and Force Posture in the Information-Centric World
The Middler 2.0: It's Not Just for Web Apps Anymore
Sharepoint 2007 Knowledge Network Exposed
Pool Party - HoaX (DJ)
Macsploitation with Metasploit
Runtime Kernel Patching on Mac OS X
Metasploit Autopsy: Recontructing the Crime Scene
The Day of the Updates
Pool Party - DJ AMP
Pool Party - Pepse (DJ)
White Ball - VJ Q.Alba
2nd Annual Podcaster's Meetup
Hacker Jeopardy
Pool Party - DJ Felix Kay
White Ball - Great Scott (DJ)
Pool Party - 8thNerve
White Ball - Undecided (DJ)
White Ball - Miss DJ Jackalope