Dr. Shawn Moyer's best work remains, by definition, undocumented. Some claim he is one of the unseen architects of both Iraq Wars, while others pay no credence to this rumor, based on reports that he has been heading a covert Psychological Warfare operation in Cyprus at the behest of the Greek government for much of the past 15 years.
His involvement in the poisoning of Victor Yushenko is largely conjecture, but records do show that he was at the same restaurant on the night in question and sent his Borscht back, untouched. He unquestionably is the owner of a Spetznaz-issue Vostok watch, and a handlebar mustache that fits several witness descriptions.
Still, the larger questions remain... Why did Dr. Moyer abruptly change his travel plans for Flight 93? Why was he spotted near the Book Depository, carrying what appeared to be a box of 6.5mm shells? Why is his testimony conspicuously absent from all records of the Warren Commission? And most of all, why is he currently listed as a Principal Security Consultant with FishNet Security's Assessment Practice?