"Nathan Hamiel" (not his real name) dropped out of High School to work as a deckhand on an oil tanker in the Sargasso Sea. On its maiden voyage, the tanker "The Lady Nikita" was caught in a freak So'Wester that swamped its engines and damaged the electrical systems. Hopelessly lost and without radio or navigation, the crew ran aground somewhere near the coast of French Guyana.
Relying on natural language and negotiation skills, "Nathan" bartered several of his crew members into slavery for safe passage overland to Caracas. Once, there he found work as a night janitor in the Miraflores palace during the Perez regime. When the junta came, he was forced to flee by night as a suspected American spy. To this day people are still unsure just how deep his ties are with the CIA.
From there, "Nathan" fled overland through Panama, where he secured passage to Florida on a forged diplomatic passport. He still resides there today, posing as a Senior Consultant of impeccable credentials with Idea Information Security and an Associate Professor for University of Advancing Technology.