Deviant Ollam While paying the bills as a network engineer and security consultant, Deviant Ollam's first and strongest love has always been teaching. A graduate of the New Jersey Institute of Technology's "Science, Technology, & Society" program, he is always fascinated by the interplay that connects human values and social trends to developments in the technical world. A member of the Board of Directors of the US division of TOOOL (The Open Organization of Lockpickers) Deviant runs the Lockpicking Village at DEF CON and ShmooCon. A fanatical supporter of First Amendment rights who believes that the best way to increase security is to publicly disclose vulnerabilities, Deviant has conducted lockpick training sessions at Black Hat, ToorCon, HOPE, HackCon, ShakaCon, HackInTheBox, SecTor, CanSecWest, and has even had the honor of lecturing the cadets at the United States Military Academy at West Point. His favorite Amendments to the US Constitution are, in no particular order, the 1st, 2nd, 9th, & 10th.
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