Game Theory For Hackers

Game Theory For Hackers

In this presentation we will discuss game theory and its applications to cyber security. Game theory is the study of choices and strategy made by rational actors in competitive situations. Game theory has been used to model war, biology, and even football. In this talk I will demonstrate game theory concepts and show how game theory can be used to model and predict conflict in cyber security through a variety of examples. We will start with demonstrations of basic game theory concepts using willing (or unwilling if necessary) participants from the audience. Volunteers will play common game theory games, such as prisoner’s dilemma, and I will explain the math behind the choices made. From there, we will build on those concepts by applying them to real world examples from the technical side such as network monitoring and threat hunting as well as use of resources and deterrence from the policy side. With this talk I hope to engage the audience and demonstrate the basics of game theory in a novel and exciting way while proving that game theory can be applied to many aspects of cybersecurity.

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