The Human API: Evolving End Users From Authorized Adversaries Into Our Best Defense.

The Human API: Evolving End Users From Authorized Adversaries Into Our Best Defense.

Hacking and Security is becoming a lot less about Computer Science and more about Human Behavioral Science.

First, I will be discussing principles to better understand the Human API. Beginning with the two most fundamental elements of lived experience. I will talk about how these two different modes of looking at the world are necessary for survival and how we come with pre-programmed features to reconcile to the two for maximal desired outcome.

Next, I will discuss the first dichotomy of Security and Business. If Security is neglected then a business is chaotically vulnerable. If Security is so stringent that business is rendered inoperable then security is drawing up excessive order and has exceeded its utility. I will be discussing how to find the sweet spot in the dichotomy by leaning on the principles we discussed in the previous two topics.

The final dichotomy will be IT and End Users. Using real world examples of Security Professionals, we will go over the best ways to grow from viewing our End Users as authorized adversaries on our networks to becoming our best line of defense.

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