Sheila Ayelen Berta is an Information Security Specialist and Developer, who started at 12 years-old by herself. At the age of 15, she wrote her first book about Web Hacking, published by RedUSERS Editorial in several countries. Over the years, Sheila has discovered lots of vulnerabilities in popular web applications and softwares. She also has given courses of Hacking Techniques in universities and private institutes in Argentina. Sheila currently works as Security Researcher who specializes in offensive techniques, reverse engineering and exploit writing. She is also a developer in ASM (microcontrollers and microprocessors x86/x64), C/C++, Golang and Python. Sheila is an international speaker who has spoken at important security conferences such as Black Hat Briefings, DEF CON 26, DEF CON 25 CHV, HITB, HackInParis, Ekoparty, IEEE ArgenCon, Hack.Lu, OWASP Latam Tour and others. Twitter: @UnaPibaGeek
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