Adventures in Hardware Hacking or Building Expensive Tools on a Budget

Adventures in Hardware Hacking or Building Expensive Tools on a Budget

CT Scanning is one of the gold standards for hardware hacking. It enables a user to slice and dice a 3D model of the device in question and most importantly it will allow a user to selectively slice through the model to extract key features such as the copper layers on multi-layer boards, embedded vias, embedded components, etc. It is these copper layers that represent the device’s circuit and therefore extracting them is a key method in enabling the reconstruction of the schematic from the physical device. This technique will allow non-destructive analysis of the device in question and will greatly shorten the phase of reversing the physical device to a logical schematic. I will also cover the construction of the Decapinator–an accurate non-destructive chip de-capping device that precisely exposes the silicon inside the epoxy chip package without damage to expose it for micro-probing, masked rom, and other detail extraction.

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