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Legal Developments in Hardware Hacking
Extreme-range RFID Tracking
Changing Threats To Privacy: From TIA To Google
Exploiting SCADA Systems
Improving Antivirus Scanner Accuracy with Hypervisor Based Analysis
App Attack: Surviving the Mobile Application Explosion
Jackpotting Automated Teller Machines Redux
Kim Jong-il and Me: How to Build a Cyber Army to Defeat the U.S.
Searching for Malware: A Review of Attackers’ Use of Search Engines to Lure Victims
Facial Recognition: Facts, Fiction, and Fsck-ups
This is not the droid you're looking for...
Insecurity Engineering of Physical Security Systems: Locks, Lies, and Videotape
This Needs to be Fixed, and Other Jokes in Commit Statements
Cyber[Crime|War] Charting Dangerous Waters
Katana: Portable Multi-Boot Security Suite
Android Security -- Overview and Potential Issues
Practical Cellphone Spying
Bypassing Smart-card Authentication and Blocking Debiting: Vulnerabilities in Atmel Cryptomemory-based Stored-value Systems
Trolling Reverse-Engineers with Math: Ness... It hurts...
The Power of Chinese Security
From "No Way" to 0-day: Weaponizing the Unweaponizable
Multiplayer Metasploit -- Double Penetration Made Easy
HD Voice - The Overdue Revolution
We Don't Need No Stinkin' Badges: Hacking Electronic Door Access Controllers
pyREtic - In-memory Reverse Engineering for Obfuscated Python Bytecode
Wardriving the Smart Grid: Practical Approaches to Attacking Utility Packet Radios
Malware Migrating To Gaming Consoles: Embedded Devices, An Antivirus-Free Safe Hideout For Malware
Gringo Warrior
Fun with VxWorks
These Aren't the Permissions You're Looking For
Physical Security : You're Doing It Wrong!
WPA Too!
SCADA and ICS for Security Experts: How to Avoid Cyberdouchery
My Life As A Spyware Developer
What you lookin' at...Punk.
Mobile Privacy: Tor on the iPhone and Other Unusual Devices
Deceiving the Heavens to Cross the Sea: Using the the 36 stratagems for Social Engineering
How to Hack Millions of Routers
The Night The Lights Went Out In Vegas: Demystifying Smartmeter Networks
Malware Freak Show 2: The Client-Side Boogaloo
Queercon Mixer
Browser Extension Malware
Resilient Botnet Command and Control with Tor
Physical Computing, Virtual Security: Adding the Arduino Devel Environment to Your Security Toolbox
SHacking DOCSIS For Fun and Profit
Cyberterrorism and the Security of the National Drinking Water Infrastructure
Hacking .Net Applications: A Dynamic Attack
Flame WAR!
Ripping Media Off Of the Wire
Hacking with Hardware: Introducing the Universal RF Usb Keboard Emulation Device - URFUKED
Advanced Format String Attacks
The Chinese Cyber Army - An Archaeological Study from 2001 to 2010
Blitzableiter - the Release
Pool Party
You're Stealing It Wrong! 30 Years of Inter-Pirate Battles
Programmable HID USB Keystroke Dongle: Using the Teensy as a Pen Testing Device
Connection String Parameter Attacks
An Examination of the Adequacy of the Laws Related to Cyber Warfare
Defcon Security Jam III: Now in 3-D?
Industrial Cyber Security
Cyberpunk Gala
Crash & Compile
Movie Night - REPO: The Genetic Opera
Hacker Karaoke
Hacker Jeopardy
10,000 Cent Pyramid