Registration at Royale Registration Desk
The Search for Perfect Handcuffs... and the Perfect Handcuff Key
Web Services We Just Don't Need
Browser Based Defenses
Multiplayer Metasploit: Tag-Team Penetration and Information Gathering
WiMAX Hacking 2010
I know where your credit card is...
Attack the Key, Own the Lock
IPv6: No Longer Optional
Constricting the Web: Offensive Python for Web Hackers
Balancing the Pwn Trade Deficit
Hardware Hacking for Software Guys
Why Security People Suck
PCI, Compromising Controls and Compromising Security
Exploitation on ARM - Technique and Bypassing Defense Mechanisms
Repelling the Wily Insider
Electronic Weaponry or How To Rule the World While Shopping at Radio Shack
Social Engineering and Target Profiling with 100% Accuracy
How I Met Your Girlfriend
Implementing IPv6 at ARIN
The Anatomy of Drug Testing
Build Your Own Security Operations Center for Little or No Money
ChaosVPN for Playing CTFs
Roman Profiles: The Six Mistakes
Decoding reCAPTCHA
Breaking Bluetooth By Being Bored
A New Approach to Forensic Methodology - !!BUSTED!! Case Studies
Seccubus - Analyzing vulnerability assessment data the easy way...
The Games We Play
You want me to let you do WHAT!
So Many Ways to Slap A Yo-Ho:: Xploiting Yoville and Facebook for Fun and Profit
SMART Project: Applying Reliability Metrics to Security Vulnerabilities
Open Source Framework for Advanced Intrusion Detection Solutions
Toolsmithing an IDA Bridge, Case Study For Building A Reverse Engineering Tool"
Kartograph : Finding a Needle in a Haystack or How to Apply Reverse Engineering Techniques to Cheat at Video Games
Social Networking Special Ops: Extending Data Visualization Tools for Faster Pwnage
ExploitSpotting: Locating Vulnerabilities Out Of Vendor Patches Automatically
Sniper Forensics - One Shot, One Kill
You Spent All That Money And You Still Got Owned...
Gaming in the Glass Safe - Games, DRM and Privacy
Story Time
Getting Social with the Smart Grid
Function Hooking for Mac OSX and Linux
0box Analyzer: AfterDark Runtime Forensics for Automated Malware Analysis and Clustering
SHODAN for Penetration Testers
Securing MMOs: A Security Professional's View From the Inside
Awards Ceremonies hosted by Dark Tangent