When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
Welcome and the Making of the DEF CON 19 Badge
Operational Use of Offensive Cyber
The History and Evolution of Computer Viruses
Balancing The Pwn Trade Deficit – APT Secrets in Asia
DEFCON Challenge for Database Geeks
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks for White Hats
The Art and Science of Security Research
WTF Happened to the Constitution?
Physical Memory Forensics for Cache
DCFluX in: License to Transmit
Alice and Bob are Fucked
SSL And The Future Of Authenticity
Meet the Federal Agent 2.0
From Printer To Pwnd: Leveraging Multifunction Printers During Penetration Testing
Sneaky PDF
Staying Connected during a Revolution or Disaster
If you want to go phishing, you need the right bait…
TSA-Proof Get Home Bags
Black Ops of TCP/IP 2011
Net Neutrality Panel
I'm Your MAC(b)Daddy
Three Generations of DoS Attacks
Insecurity: An Analysis Of Current Commercial And Government Security Lock Designs
Hacking with QR Codes
Dust: Your Feed RSS Belongs To You!
Former Keynotes - The Future
What Time Are You Anyway?
Jugaad – Linux Thread Injection Kit
Why Airport Security Can't Be Done FAST
Wireless Dirty Sisters – The other RF shit you aren't Looking at, and why you're going to get fscked
And That's How I Lost My Eye: Exploring Emergency Data Destruction
Malware Freak Show 3: They're pwning er'body out there!
Covert Post-Exploitation Forensics With Metasploit
Runtime Process Insemination
Hacking Your Victims Over Power Lines
Putting the Hack in Ikea Hacks -or- Some Assembler Required
Ask EFF: The Year in Digital Civil Liberties
Mamma Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Pen Testers
Familiarity Breeds Contempt
Key Impressioning
Meta-Work and Zombie Flows: How Compliance and Standards Strangled Infosec
Represent! Defcon Groups, Hackerspaces, and You.
Are You In Yet? The CISO's View of Pentesting
UPnP Mapping
The Art of Trolling
Fame: Not The Musical
Gone in 60 Minutes: Stealing Sensitive Data from Thousands of Systems Simultaneously with OpenDLP
Kernel Exploitation Via Uninitialized Stack
Is it 0-day or 0-care?
Bosses love Excel, Hackers too.
Owned Over Amateur Radio: Remote Kernel Exploitation in 2011
IP4 TRUTH: The IPocalypse is a LIE
We owe it all to the Hackers