Becoming Jack Flack – Real Life Cloak and Dagger
Earth vs. The Giant Spider: Amazingly True Stories of Real Penetration Tests
Whitfield Diffie & Moxie Marlinspike
PIG: Finding Truffles Without Leaving A Trace
Cellular Privacy: A Forensic Analysis of Android Network Traffic
Look At What My Car Can Do
Lives On The Line: Securing Crisis Maps In Libya, Sudan, And Pakistan
PacketFence, The Open Source Nac: What We've Done In The Last Two Years
Port Scanning Without Sending Packets
Seven Ways to Hang Yourself with Google Android
Internet Kiosk Terminals: The Redux
The REAL cutting edge to hash cracking
We're (The Government) Here To Help: A Look At How FIPS 140 Helps (And Hurts) Security
A Bridge Too Far: Defeating Wired 802.1x with a Transparent Bridge Using Linux
Cipherspaces/Darknets: An Overview Of Attack Strategies
Getting SSLizzard
Build your own Synthetic Aperture Radar
Hacking Healthcare
How To Get Your Message Out When Your Government Turns Off The Internet
Taking Your Ball And Going Home; Building Your Own Secure Storage Space That Mirrors Dropbox's
Mobile App Moolah: Profit taking with Mobile Malware
Blinkie Lights: Network Monitoring with Arduino
Agnitio: the security code review Swiss army knife. Its static analysis, but not as we know it.
Steganography and Cryptography 101
The Future of Cybertravel: Legal Implications of the Evasion of Geolocation
Network Application Firewalls vs. Contemporary Threats
Pervasive Cloaking
Hacking the Global Economy with GPUs or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Bitcoin
Kinectasploit: Metasploit Meets Kinect
Tracking the Trackers: How Our Browsing History Is Leaking into the Cloud
Beat to 1337: Creating A Successful University Cyber Defense Organization
How Haunters Void Warranties
I Am Not a Doctor but I Play One on Your Network
Bit-squatting: DNS Hijacking Without Exploitation
Speaking with Cryptographic Oracles
Deceptive Hacking: How Misdirection Can Be Used To Steal Information Without Being Detected
Don't Fix It In Software
Planes Keep Falling On My Head
Network Nightmare: Ruling The Nightlife Between Shutdown And Boot With Pxesploit
VDLDS — All Your Voice Are Belong To Us
Introduction to Tamper Evident Devices
Wireless Aerial Surveillance Platform
Building The DEF CON Network, Making A Sandbox for 10,000 Hackers
Virtualization under attack: Breaking out of KVM
Hacking MMORPGs for Fun and Mostly Profit
SCADA & PLCs in Correctional Facilities: The Nightmare Before Christmas
Steal Everything, Kill Everyone, Cause Total Financial Ruin!
Awards Ceremonies