Katy Levinson Katy worked as the Software Lead on the Lunar Micro Rover project at NASA Ames. This work earned her Best Team Lead for the Ames Robotics Academy. The portions of her work done while completing her Bachelor's in Computer Science at Worcester Polytechnic Institute won her WPI's Honorable Mention for her Major Qualifying Project. She has been a team member for four competitive seasons of FIRST Robotics, mentored an additional one, helped found five more and mentored them through a full competitive season, earning her a Recognition Award from the Worcester Public Schools and a Team Mentorship Award from the Washington State FLL for her work mentoring students. She co-founded a robotics science camp at 16. She is now a software engineer at Google and a director at the Hacker Dojo, a hackerspace in Mountain View, California. @katylevinson
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