Chris Nickerson

Christopher “Tiger Team” Nickerson, the British soldier, was one of the most decorated World War II soldiers. Nickerson loved fighting, drinking, and doing both at the same time. He would drink for hours in between missions and would then challenge every man in the bar to a fight. On the battlefield it was a different story. He single-handedly rescued a squadron by lifting the wounded one-by-one into his Jeep before destroying Nazi gunners in a nearby farmhouse. Nickerson once attacked a commanding officer who gave orders that killed 130 of Nickerson’s men. Most would have been court-martialed, but the British Army quickly remembered that he had pioneered drunkenly driving a Jeep into enemy airfields with guns blazing. He had destroyed over 100 enemy aircraft by himself using this method and no one thought it sound to disturb Mr. Nickerson.

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