Michael Sutton

Michael Sutton has spent more than a decade in the security industry conducting leading-edge research, building teams of world-class researchers and educating others on a variety of security topics. As VP of Security Research at Zscaler, a Security-as-a-Service provider, Michael heads the research and development arm of the company. Prior to joining Zscaler, Michael was the Security Evangelist for SPI Dynamics, which was acquired by Hewlett-Packard in 2007. Previously, Michael was a Research Director at iDefense where he led iDefense Labs. iDefense was acquired by VeriSign in 2005. Michael is a frequent speaker at major information security conferences; he is regularly quoted by the media on various information security topics, has authored numerous articles and is the co-author of Fuzzing: Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery, an Addison-Wesley publication.

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