Fun with Software Defined Radios
SIGINT and Traffic Analysis for the Rest of Us
Robots: You're Doing It Wrong 2
We Have You by the Gadgets
Jukebox Jacking
SCADA HMI and Microsoft Bob: Modern Authentication Flaws With a 90's Flavor
KinectasploitV2: Kinect Meets 20 Security Tools
Improving Web Vulnerability Scanning
No More Hooks: Detection of Code Integrity Attacks
Following the Digital Footprints
Looking Into The Eye Of The Meter
Adventures in Bouncerland
Post Metasploitation: Improving Accuracy and Efficiency in Post Exploitation Using the Metasploit Framework
Owning the Network: Adventures in Router Rootkits
Your Network Sucks
Tenacious Diggity: Skinny Dippin' in a Sea of Bing
Weaponizing the Windows API with Metasploit’s Railgun
Hacking [Redacted] Routers
Can Twitter Really Help Expose Psychopath Killers' Traits?
Fuzzing Online Games
Kevin Poulsen Answers Your Questions
SQL Injection to MIPS Overflows: Rooting SOHO Routers
The Leverage of Language - Advanced Workflow Environment for Security Intelligence and Exposure Management
Sploitego - Maltego's (Local) Partner in Crime
Hacking the Google TV
Owned in 60 Seconds: From Network Guest to Windows Domain Admin
bbqSQL - Rapid Blind SQL Injection Exploitation
Introducing the Smartphone Pentesting Framework
How to Hack All the Transport Networks of a Country
The Paparazzi Platform: Flexible, Open-Source, UAS Software and Hardware
Subterfuge: The Automated Man-in-the-Middle Attack Framework
SQL ReInjector - Automated Exfiltrated Data Identification
Dr. Strangenerd: How I learned to collaborate and love the Maker Movement
Closing Ceremonies