Tom “tep” Perrine started on the ARPANET in grade school, with accounts at MIT-MULTICS and other sites. After college graduation he shared an IMP on the original ARPANET with the Navy and UCSD. During the 80s he worked on secure operating systems such as KSOS for the intelligence community. In the 90s he was a security researcher and CSO at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), where he was also involved in “the Kevin affair”. While at SDSC he also consulted for the FBI on Critical Infrastructure Protection and was invited to give Congressional testimony on the FBI’s Carnivore program. Since 2003 he has worked at a video game company, supporting game development studios and operating hosting facilities for online video games. He is since moved on to developing world wide IT strategies for the same company. He owns a complete set of the Rainbow Books and the only copy of Takedown signed by both Tsutomu Shimomura and Kevin Mitnick.
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