Weaponizing your Coffee Pot

Weaponizing your Coffee Pot

“As SoC price continue to drop and their implementation continues to rise, connected “”appliances”" (Internet of Things)will be become an attractive avenue for cyber criminals. Due to the fact they provide no traditional feedback (monitor) or input (mouse/keyboard) If one were able to compromise an embedded host it would be the perfect vantage point for a MITM attack or a beachhead to launch other attacks. I plan to guide you through some of the steps from initial reconnaissance to building binaries for different architectures. Then end goal being to take over the host without breaking designed functionality (stealthy), being able to run third party binaries at start (lethal), and surviving basic removal techniques (persistent) aka weaponizing. As part of this walkthrough I will be guiding you through the exploitation of the Belkin WeMo light switch appliance. PoC of home automation gone bad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcW2q0aHOFo”

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