Terry Gold

“Terry Gold is the founder of IDanalyst LLC, an independent research and advisory firm specializing in identity, authentication and access control covering both physical and IT security. His firm was founded on the principal of vendor neutrality while helping corporate organizations to become more secure, aware, and in control of their security strategy in these areas since there were few sources of reliable, independent, and in depth research in these areas. Mr. Gold has built a worldwide reputation as a specialist, and has assisted some of the largest and most branded companies in the world with exploring, drafting and implementing smart strategies for physical access, IT Security and convergence leveraging smart cards, RFID and PKI. Most recently, he was Vice President of Cloud Identity for idOnDemand where he established their leadership as well as the first such solution in the SaaS market. Prior, he was with ActivIdentity, a leader in the credential management infrastructure space, and several other companies such as Bioscrypt, Novell, and SilverStream where he specialized in biometric authentication, Identity Management, and Enterprise Application Integration respectively.”

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