ContradictionC2: A Takedown-Resistant Botnet Based on Dead Drops
Welcome & Making of the DEF CON Badge
Saving the Internet (for the Future)
Domain Name Problems and Solutions
Oracle Data Redaction is Broken
Meddle: Framework for Piggy-back Fuzzing and Tool Development
Custodiet - The Open Source MSSP Framework
Steganography in Commonly Used HF Radio Protocols
The Only Way to Tell the Truth is in Fiction: The Dynamics of Life in the National Security State
Measuring the IQ of your Threat Intelligence feeds
Abuse of Blind Automation in Security Tools
USB for all!
NSA Playset: RF Retroreflectors
How To Get Phone Companies To Just Say No To Wiretapping
Stolen Data Markets: An Economic and Organizational Assessment
From root to SPECIAL: Pwning IBM Mainframes
ShareEnum: We Wrapped Samba So You Don’t Have To
The $env:PATH less Traveled is Full of Easy Privilege Escalation Vulns
Hacking US (and UK, Australia, France, etc.) traffic control systems
Detecting and Defending Against a Surveillance State
PoS Attacking the Traveling Salesman
Bypass firewalls, application white lists, secure remote desktops under 20 seconds
Investigating PowerShell Attacks
Y3t1's mobile uberpwn drop unit -- or how I learned to love the tab
What the Watchers See: Eavesdropping on Municipal Mesh Cameras for Giggles (or Pure Evil)
Hacking the FBI: How & Why to Liberate Government Records
DEF CON Comedy Jam Part VII, Is This The One With The Whales?
Extreme Privilege Escalation On Windows 8/UEFI Systems
Client-Side HTTP Cookie Security: Attack and Defense
Civilianization of War - Paramilitarization of Cyberspace and Its Implications for Civilian Information Security Professionals
Am I Being Spied On? Low-tech Ways Of Detecting High-tech Surveillance
Saving Cyberspace by Reinventing File Sharing
Veil-Pillage: Post-exploitation 2.0
An Introduction to Back Dooring Operating Systems for Fun and Trolling
You Are Not A Soldier, and This Is Not A War
Practical Aerial Hacking & Surveillance
The Open Crypto Audit Project
Ephemeral Communications: Why and How?
Acquire current user hashes without admin privileges
Blinding The Surveillance State
Bitcoin Barons
Dark Mail
From Raxacoricofallapatorius With Love: Case Studies In Insider Threat
Why Don’t You Just Tell Me Where The ROP Isn’t Supposed To Go
Diversity in Information Security
The Secret Life of Krbtgt
A Journey to Protect Points-of-sale