Opening Keynote
Welcome & Announcements
Passwords Opening Keynote
How we deciphered millions of users’ encrypted passwords without the decryption keys.
Secure your email – Secure your password
Is Pavlovian Password Management The Answer?
Highlights of CMU’s Recent Work in Preventing Bad Passwords
DoCatsLikeLemon? – Advanced phrase attacks and analysis
Password Hashing Competition: the Candidates
Tradeoff cryptanalysis of password hashing schemes
What Microsoft would like from the Password Hashing Competition
Using cryptanalysis to speed-up password cracking
Password Security in the PCI DSS
How Forced Password Expiration Affects Password Choice
Defense with 2FA
Security for the People: End-User Authentication Security on the Internet
I have the #cat so I make the rules
Authentication in the Cloud – Building Service
Penetrate your OWA
How EFF is Making STARTTLS Resistant to Active Attacks
PasswordsCon Pool Party feat. DJ Keith Myers — Sponsored by Stricture Group