Workshop: How Do I TAILS? A Beginner's Guide to Anonymous Computing
Pwning IoT with Hardware Attacks
Advanced SOHO Router Exploitation
Phishing: Recon to Creds with the SpeedPhishing Framework
Creating REAL Threat Intelligence With Evernote
Hacking the Next Generation
802.11 Monitoring with PCAP2XML/SQLite
The Digital Cockroach Bait Station: How to Build Spam Honeypots
Understanding End-User Attacks – Real World Examples
Fishing To Phishing: It's All About Slimy Creatures
Hacking Satellite TV Receivers
Hacking You Fat: The FitBit Aria
Breaking in Bad! (I’m the one who doesn’t knock)
Twitter, ISIL, and Tech
A Peek Behind the Blue Mask: The Evolution of the SECTF
Brain Waves Surfing - (In)security in EEG (Electroencephalography) Technologies
Underhanded Crypto Contest Wrapup
Protecting global email - status & the road ahead
Making Email Dark
CrypTag: Building Encrypted, Taggable, Searchable Zero-knowledge Systems
The Death of Privacy
Hacking Quantum Cryptography
What is Bitcoin Tumbling and why do it?
Biohacking at home: Pragmatic DNA design, assembly, and transformation
From XSS to Root on Your NAS
Breaking CBC, or Randomness Never Was Happiness
How Machine Learning Finds Malware Needles in an AppStore Haystack
Skip, Freak, and Logjam: Moving past a legacy of weakness in TLS
MITM 101: Easy Traffic Interception Techniques Using Scapy
Where are the privacy-preserving services for the masses?
Should we trust crypto frameworks? A story about CVE-2015-2141
Cloning Access Cards to Implants
Powershell for Penetraton Testers
Meeting People Over WiFi
Tospo Virus: Weaponizing WiFi Pineapple Vulnerabilities
Rollin’ Down the Street Sniffin’ WiFi, Sippin’ on Pineapple Juice
GNU Radio Tools for Radio Wrangling and Spectrum Domination
Automatic Live WPA/WPA2 Attacks and WPA_Supplicant
I See You
The Packets Made Me Do It: Getting Started with Distributed Full Packet Capture Using OpenFPC
Is Your Android App Secure?
Sup3r S3cr3t!
Software Defined Radio Performance Trades and Tweaks
Wireless Pentesting: So Easy a Cave Man Can Do It
Seeing Blue: Tools, Tricks, and Techniques for Messin’ With Bluetooth
NSM 101 for ICS
Shall We Play a Game?
Working together to keep the Internet safe and secure
Welcome to DEF CON
Bugged Files: Is Your Document Telling on You?
Tools and Techniques Used at the Wall of Sheep
PSK31 Modulation Polyglots
DNS and the Future of Authenticity
Parallels in BioSec and InfoSec
The Hand that Rocks the Cradle: Hacking IoT Baby Monitors
Social Implications of DNA Acquisition & Storage
Getting into the Trust Store We Trust
Crypto for Hackers
Stagefright: Scary Code in the Heart of Android
Licensed to Pwn: The Weaponization and Regulation of Security Research
Fighting Back in the War on General Purpose Computers
Goodbye Memory Scraping Malware: Hold Out Till "Chip And Pin”
Mobile Data Loss - Threats & Countermeasures
WPA Enterprise Hacking
Using Privacy and Crypto Tools
Modern Crypto: 15 Years of Advancement in Cryptography
Peerio: Productivity with end-to-end encryption
Bruce Schneier Q&A
Malware in the Gaming Micro-economy
USB Attack to Decrypt Wi-Fi Communications
Confessions of a Professional Cyber Stalker
Sniffing SCADA
Keynote: Crypto & Privacy Village
Keynote: Underhanded Crypto Contest
Applied Intelligence: Using Information That's Not There
Insteon' False Security And Deceptive Documentation
Drive It Like You Hacked It: New Attacks and Tools to Wirelessly Steal Cars
Red vs. Blue: Modern Active Directory Attacks & Defense
Don't Whisper my Chips: Sidechannel and Glitching for Fun and Profit
dnstap - A Standard Interface to Real Time DNS Transaction Flows
SIGINT and Blind Signal Analysis with GNU Radio + Advanced SDR
Life of PII: A Day in the Life of Your Personally Identifiable Information
Hacking SQL Injection for Remote Code Execution on a LAMP stack
Build a free cellular traffic capture tool with a vxworks based femoto
How to Hack a Tesla Model S
Remote Access, the APT
Cracking Cryptocurrency Brainwallets
Hacker's Practice Ground
Opening Backdoors: The Importance of Backdoor Research
Special Presentation
How to Engineer a Cryptographic 'Front Door'
Chellam – a Wi-Fi IDS/Firewall for Windows
How to hack your way out of home detention
Low-cost GPS simulator – GPS spoofing by SDR
REvisiting RE:DoS
Quantum Computers vs. Computers Security
Global Honeypot Trends
The Wireless World of the Internet of Things
Let's Talk about Let's Encrypt
CFSSL: the evolution of a PKI toolkit
Physiology from the Perspective of Control: A Bio-hacker's Guide
Examining the Robustness of the Brain Against a Malicious Adversary
LTE Recon and Tracking with RTLSDR
HamSammich – long distance proxying over radio
Harness: Powershell Weaponization Made Easy (or at least easier)
When the Secretary of State says: “Please Stop Hacking Us…”
Tell me who you are and I will tell you your lock pattern
Remaining Covert in an Overt World
Yellow Means Proceed with Caution - Applied De-escalation for Social Engineering
Covert Wireless: Practical Hacker LPI-LPD
Machine Learning and Manipulation
Security of Wireless Home Automation Systems - A World Beside TCP/IP
Detecting Randomly Generated Strings; A Language Based Approach
How to secure the keyboard chain
I Will Kill You
Put on your tinfo_t hat if you're my type
Separating Bots from the Humans
Beginner Crypto for Application Developers
IMSI Catcher Counter-Surveillance
I Am Packer And So Can You
When IoT attacks: hacking a Linux-powered rifle
Fun with Symboliks
NetRipper - Smart traffic sniffing for penetration testers
Hack the Legacy! IBM i (aka AS/400) Revealed.
Violating Web Services
"I Didn’t Think it was Loaded" and Other Mental Derps
Breaking RSA - new cryptography for a post-quantum world
Rocking the Pocket Book: Hacking Chemical Plant for Competition and Extortion
How to Train Your RFID Hacking Tools
Drinking from LETHE: New methods of exploiting and mitigating memory corruption vulnerabilities
Hooked Browser Meshed-Networks with WebRTC and BeEF
Breaking SSL Using Time Synchronisation Attacks
Understanding Social Engineering Attacks with Natural Language Processing
One Device to Pwn Them All
I Am Not What I Am: Shakespeare and Social Engineering
Classify Targets to Make Social Engineering Easier to Achieve