A Hacker’s Guide to Risk
Scared Poopless – LTE and *your* laptop
ThunderStrike 2: Sith Strike
Do Export Controls on “Intrusion Software” Threaten Vulnerability Research?
Dissecting the Design of SCADA Web Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs) - Hunting Vulnerabilities
And That's How I Lost My Other Eye: Further Explorations In Data Destruction
Key-Logger, Video, Mouse — How To Turn Your KVM Into a Raging Key-logging Monster
Machine vs. Machine: Inside DARPA’s Fully Automated CTF
'DLL Hijacking' on OS X? #@%& Yeah!
QARK: Android App Exploit and SCA Tool
Are We Really Safe? - Bypassing Access Control Systems
Hacking Smart Safes: On the "Brink" of a Robbery
F*ck the attribution, show us your .idb!
I Hunt Penetration Testers: More Weaknesses in Tools and Procedures
Chigula — a framework for Wi-Fi Intrusion Detection and Forensics
It's The Only Way To Be Sure: Obtaining and Detecting Domain Persistence
Spread Spectrum Satcom Hacking: Attacking The GlobalStar Simplex Data Service
Angry Hacking - the next generation of binary analysis
WhyMI so Sexy? WMI Attacks, Real-Time Defense, and Advanced Forensic Analysis
From 0 To Secure In 1 Minute — Securing IAAS
Abusing XSLT for Practical Attacks
Extracting the Painful (blue)tooth
Remote Exploitation of an Unaltered Passenger Vehicle
BurpKit - Using WebKit to Own the Web
Extending Fuzzing Grammars to Exploit Unexplored Code Paths in Modern Web Browsers
Looping Surveillance Cameras through Live Editing of Network Streams
Hacking Electric Skateboards: Vehicle Research For Mortals
High-Def Fuzzing: Exploring Vulnerabilities in HDMI-CEC
Let's Encrypt - Minting Free Certificates to Encrypt the Entire Web
How to Shot Web: Web and mobile hacking in 2015
Switches Get Stitches
I want these * bugs off my * Internet
Investigating the Practicality and Cost of Abusing Memory Errors with DNS
NSA Playset: JTAG Implants
The Bieber Project: Ad Tech 101, Fake Fans and Adventures in Buying Internet Traffic
Exploring Layer 2 Network Security in Virtualized Environments
Security Necromancy: Further Adventures in Mainframe Hacking
802.11 Massive Monitoring
Hacking the Human Body/brain: Identity Shift, the Shape of a New Self, and Humanity 2.0
Game of Hacks: Play, Hack & Track
Staying Persistent in Software Defined Networks
Ask the EFF: The Year in Digital Civil Liberties
DEF CON Comedy Inception: How many levels deep can we go?
DIY Nukeproofing: a new dig at "data-mining"
Linux Containers: Future or Fantasy?
I’m A Newbie Yet I Can Hack ZigBee – Take Unauthorized Control Over ZigBee Devices