Matt Cagle is a Technology and Civil Liberties Policy Attorney at the ACLU of Northern California. At the ACLU-NC, Matt's work focuses on the privacy and free speech issues raised by new services and technologies, including surveillance equipment, social media services, and connected devices. Last fall, Matt co-authored Making Smart Decisions About Surveillance: A Guide for Communities, a paper that provides a framework for communities considering surveillance technology proposals. Matt has worked in private practice advising technology companies on the privacy issues related to new products and services. Matt has substantial experience responding to state and federal law enforcement requests for online user information, and he co-authored reddit's first ever transparency report. Matt regularly speaks at conferences ranging from SXSW to RightsCon, and he served on the privacy committee for Oakland's controversial surveillance complex, the Domain Awareness Center. He grew up in Southern Arizona, studied Latin American history in Guatemala, and holds a JD from Stanford Law School. Twitter: @matt_cagle
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