Sean Thomas Jones is an accomplished information security professional and father of three. He has many years of experience securing and defending networks and hardening applications by using best practices, tools and technologies. Sean recently won the World Championship Title Belt in Spaghetti Monster Wrestling by defeating his children in the royal rumble. Along with this Championship, Sean also holds the SANS/GIAC Incident Handler, Intrusion Analysis and Web Application Penetration Tester Certifications along with the ITIL Foundation Certification. He practices his craft as a Cyber Crime Researcher at AlertLogic in Texas, which is affectionately called "GOD's Country" or the Lone Star State" and owes his success to his wonderful and patient wife. The design and implementation of a white-listed, end to end encrypted status application The design and implementation of a white-listed, end to end encrypted status application, or how we can have nice (private social network) things. The general line about privacy and social networking goes like this: "You can either have an easy to use and very social system with ads and data-mining or you can use GPG and like it". While there are many technical hurdles to overcome, the burden for a designer of a "private Twitter" or "private Facebook Wall" lies chiefly with user experience that rises above that of all of the difficult to use privacy tools we depend on today. In this talk, the code, frameworks, data structures, database queries and front-end UX will be examined, discussed and demoed in a working "Twitter-like" status update application.
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