0wn the c0n - Two BSides for the price of one!

0wn the c0n - Two BSides for the price of one!

An open forum with a small presentation to get us started, 0wn the c0n - BSides Edition will cover the 101 of putting on your own BSides. First we'll cover the high level items that every conference must have such as tickets, talks, and volunteers. Then we'll cover some of the extras t-shirts, extra tracks, villages, etc that you may want to add to make your con better or stand out from other events. After we've covered the basic ideas, we can go into detail on the differences between BSidesDC and BSidesDE. Differences in geographic location and type of location have effects, both positive and negative for each con. We'll share some stories of things we've gotten right (sometimes accidentally) and some of the pain points and lessons we have learned (also sometimes accidentally). This is meant to be a guided open forum so if you have questions feel free to ask us!

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