It's Just Software, Right?

It's Just Software, Right?

We live in a golden age. We have numerous options for innovative and inexpensive software-defined radio, a myriad of embedded processors, a variety of powerful development environments, and plentiful and cheap general-purpose processors. Data ubiquity has revolutionized personal and professional communications. Everyone has a cell phone and digital communications have triumphed over all. Communications is a solved problem!

Well, hold the phone. While many frequency bands have plenty of hardware, software, and firmware choices, there are many exceptions. Amateur radio microwave bands are still dominated by bespoke rigs producing narrowband analog voice and CW. Activity is mainly during contests, with beacons holding down the spectral fort for the long months between events. We are working very hard to change this situation in a fundamentally positive way.

AMSAT’s next generation of digital microwave satellites is moving firmly into the 5GHz/10GHz bands. This is where the bandwidth is at, this is where the current professional interest lies, and this is where we must become competent designers and more plentiful operators.

In order to operate, radios must exist. Buying inexpensive off-the-shelf equipment to work these new digital satellites is not an option for the microwave bands. We believe that we must provide solutions for radios for the satellite service, otherwise these satellites will simply not be used. These solutions must include instructions on how to build rigs from scratch, instructions on how to build up rigs from existing components and radio gear, and a quality manufactured solution that can also be used for emergency communications services.

The amateur satellite service alone may not justify the expense and effort required to design and build a new radio system. But, this is the age of software-defined radio. Since the selected waveforms for AMSAT digital satellites and the waveforms for terrestrial digital television are from the same family of standards, we have a wonderful opportunity to make a radio that will do both space and ground. This opens up both amateur terrestrial and amateur space markets.

But we’re not done yet. If intelligently designed, this radio is also microwave band test equipment, providing yet another market. Phase 4 Ground exists to make this radio a reality. Come listen to what Phase 4 Ground Team has done so far to design this radio, and where we are going next!