Blinded by the Light

Blinded by the Light

Did you know some of your tablets and smartphones broadcast IR even with the screen off? These signals can be used to spot and identify specific operating systems and in some cases specific devices? This class is designed to help you understand that it’s not just RF that can betray who you are, and where you’ve been. This live demo will expose unintended tracking possibilities with the current use of Infrared Red (IR) proximity detector in cellular devices (and other devices). The presentation will show students how smart phones, Android and iPhone can be identified by the IR patterns they display from a substantial distance. The class will teach techniques to fingerprint these patterns. Topics: History: IR exploits from the past and how to learn from them. Hardware: Photo-diode VS LED Comparators and why we need them Amplifiers Improved ir collection techniques with everyday items. Improvised IR filters Logic analyser and oscilloscope techniques for reading a signal. Software: Using arduino to evalaute IR in the wild. How to make sense of a signal that are not in a library The audience will also be given directions on how to make there own IR detection device to detect IR in a variety of situations. This tool will allow people to know when their devices are triggering IR responses and to discover if devices around them are using IR. It will also allow them to demodulate and view what type of data is being sent via IR. Class will be encouraged to discover and target there own devices as a proof of concept.