To Beat the Toaster, You Must Become the Toaster: How to Show AI Who's Boss in the Robot Apocalypse

To Beat the Toaster, You Must Become the Toaster: How to Show AI Who's Boss in the Robot Apocalypse

You no longer have to think about your menu or buying groceries. You no longer have to be concerned with driving and travel. Your house is your personal assistant and cities keep you comfortable. But what happens when you wake tomorrow to find your agents of convenience have become vectors of attack and the man behind the controls is no man at all? How do we prevent our toasters from dominating us, eliminating us, or turning us into batteries?

You are now engaged in a battle for survival and fighting for the very existence of your species. Enter the world of biohacking and biotechnology where grinders, citizen scientists, and cutting edge researchers are working on the tools we need in order to survive the Rise of the Machines. In this talk we will show how to arm ourselves (perhaps even literally) for the coming battle against the machines. With fervent initiative, open minds, and the right tools and technology, we can and will Rise above, or perhaps prevent, the revolt launched by our artificial progeny.

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