Jay Korpi is not of the traditional hacker world; CrYpT invited him to DEF CON 6 years ago, and as a surgical first assist, he decided it was not of any interest to him. CrYpT insisted every year until finally three years ago CrYpT told him "there are people there smarter than you..." Jay couldn't believe it and had to see it for himself. His first year, it was obvious there were MANY people smarter than he was. Once he met some amazing people who were both inviting and generous, Jay vowed to get involved with DEF CON somehow so he could provide the same experience to others. He found his opportunity last year when he joined the Inhuman Registration team and was invited to share his experiences on the DC 101 panel. He attributes these opportunities to his willingness to put himself out there and meet as many people as possible from his very first CON.
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