It’s 2016: What can you do about gender balance in Information Security?
How To Secure Serverless Applications
Data-Driven Computer Security Defense
Control system security, are we living on luck?
Utilizing Memory and Network Forensics for Scalable Threat Detection and Response
Lighting up the Canadian Darknet Financially
Overwhelmed By Security Vulnerabilities? Learn How To Prioritize Remediation
Why Technology is Not the Answer to Cybersecurity
The Cyber Security Readiness of Canadian Organizations
Lessons from the Attack Chain: Bolster Your IR Program
Stopping the Attacker You Know
Rethinking Threat Intelligence
Global Encryption Usage is on the Rise!
Retaking surrendered ground: making better decisions to fight cybercrime
AirBnBeware: short-term rentals, long-term pwnage
Cybersecurity in an era with quantum computers: will we be ready?
RTF Abuse: Exploitation, Evasion and Counter Measures
Purple Teaming the Cyber Kill Chain: Practical Exercises for Management
Expanding Your Toolkit the DIY Way
Securing a Cloud-Based Data Center
Lessons Learned Hunting IoT Malware
How to Rob a Bank or The SWIFT and Easy Way to Grow Your Online Savings
Hiding in Plain Sight – Taking Control of Windows Patches
Open Source Malware Lab
The Power of DNS: Gaining Security Insight Through DNS Analytics
Defending Against Phishing: Effective Phishing Incident Response Using Employees, Incident Responders, and Intelligence.