[Ab]using TLS for defensive wins
AirBnBeware: short-term rentals, long-term pwnage
All roads lead to domain admin, a part of a presentation series: From breach to C.D.E. Part I
An Effective Approach to Automating Compliance Activities
Can massive data harvesting drive down the time to breach detection?
CANtact: Open Source Automotive Tools
Control system security, are we living on luck?
Crash Course in Kubernetes & Security
Cybersecurity in an era with quantum computers: will we be ready?
Data-Driven Computer Security Defense
Defending Against Phishing: Effective Phishing Incident Response Using Employees, Incident Responders, and Intelligence.
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Examining, Fixing and Fighting for our Cyber Defenses
Developing your Career in IT Security
Eliminating the Automation and Integration Risks of the “Security Frankenstein”
EventID Field Hunter (EFH) – Looking for malicious activities in your Windows events
Expanding Your Toolkit the DIY Way
Exposing Ransomware: Intelligent cybersecurity for the real world.
Getting Business Value from Penetration Testing
Global Encryption Usage is on the Rise!
Hack Microsoft by using Microsoft signed binaries
Held for Ransom: Defending your Data Against Ransomware
Hiding in Plain Sight – Taking Control of Windows Patches
How to build a malware classifier [that doesn’t suck on real-world data]
How to Rob a Bank or The SWIFT and Easy Way to Grow Your Online Savings
How To Secure Serverless Applications
Introducing G.Tool – A batteries included framework for building awesome GRC tools without wasting money.
IPv6 for the InfoSec Pro on the Go
It’s 2016: What can you do about gender balance in Information Security?
Jihadism and Cryptography, from internet to softwares
Lessons from the Attack Chain: Bolster Your IR Program
Lessons Learned Hunting IoT Malware
Lighting up the Canadian Darknet Financially
Making sense of a million samples per day: Behavior-based Methods for Automated, Scalable Malware Analysis
Network virtualization to enhance context, visibility and containment
Next-Gen Now, Outsmarting ransomware, exploits and zero-day attacks
Open Source Malware Lab
Overwhelmed By Security Vulnerabilities? Learn How To Prioritize Remediation
Practical Static Analysis for Continuous Application Security
Purple Teaming the Cyber Kill Chain: Practical Exercises for Management
Retaking surrendered ground: making better decisions to fight cybercrime
Rethinking Threat Intelligence
RTF Abuse: Exploitation, Evasion and Counter Measures
Safety Should be the Security Paradigm
Securing a Cloud-Based Data Center
Securing Network Communications: An Investigation into Certificate Authorities on Mobile
Securing Our Future
Security by Consent, or Peel’s Principles of Security Operations
Stopping the Attacker You Know
The Cyber Security Readiness of Canadian Organizations
The Emerging Era of Cognitive Security
The Industry Need for Cloud Generation Security
The Power of DNS: Gaining Security Insight Through DNS Analytics
The Security Problems of an Eleven Year Old and How To Solve Them
The State of SCADA on the Internet
Understanding Ransomware: Clear and Present Danger
Utilizing Memory and Network Forensics for Scalable Threat Detection and Response
When ‘Oops’ Isn’t An Acceptable Answer
Why Technology is Not the Answer to Cybersecurity
WiFi Exploitation: How passive interception leads to active exploitation