Tyler Wrightson

Tyler Wrightson, Alphabet Soup, is the author of Advanced Persistent Threat Hacking and Wireless Network Security: A Beginner’s Guide. Tyler is the founder and president of Leet Systems, which helps organizations solve the hacker problem, by focusing on technical challenges. LeetSystems focuses on offensive security services such as Penetration Testing and Red Teaming to secure organizations against real world attackers. Tyler has over Fifteen years experience in the IT security field across many industries including healthcare and financial services with extensive experience in many areas of technical security including networking, systems architecture, offensive security and penetration testing. Tyler holds industry certifications such CISSP, CCSP, CCNA, CCDA, and MCSE. Tyler has also taught classes for CCNA certification, wireless security, network security, and penetration testing. He has been a frequent speaker at industry conferences including NYS CyberSecurity Conference, Derbycon, BSides, Rochester Security Summit, ISACA, ISSA, and others. Follow his security blog at http://blog.leetsys.com.

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