Grappling Hooks on the Ivory Tower: This Year in Practical Academic Research

Grappling Hooks on the Ivory Tower: This Year in Practical Academic Research

Five years before volume 1 issue 1 of Phrack, there was IEEE Security and Privacy. Where Merkle (of Merkle–Damgård; think SHA-2) showed us how to do crypto right in 1980. Where your favourite nation-state adversaries watch their secrets become public. Where Naval Postgraduate School showed off their secure kernel in 1981. Since then, professors and decidedly unprofessorial types have each, mostly separately, smashed and rebuilt security with their own separate armies of admirers, haters, and hangers-on.

We'll take you on a short trip through the parallel universe of academic infosec, and point out just the cool, practical stuff that came down from the ivory tower a few months ago. You'll see a bit of yourself reflected, how hackers shape the academic world, what academics have to say about our favourite bug-writing developers, and what is shaping TLS 1.3. We hope you'll also get inspired and do some science.

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