David Wong is aSecurity Consultant at the Cryptography Services practice of NCC Group. Hehas been part of several publicly funded open source audits such as OpenSSLand Let's Encrypt. He has conducted research in many domains in cryptography, publishing whitepapers and sharing results at various conferences including DEF CON and ToorCon as well as giving a recurrent cryptography courseat Black Hat. He has contributed to standards like TLS 1.3 and the Noise Protocol Framework. He has found vulnerabilities in many systems including CVE-2016-3959 in the Go programming language and a bug in SHA-3's derived KangarooTwelve reference implementation. Prior to NCC Group, David graduatedfrom the University of Bordeaux with a Masters in Cryptography, and priorto this from the University of Lyon and McMaster University with a Bachelor in Mathematics. Twitter handle of presenter(s): lyon01_david Website ofpresenter(s) or content: https://www.cryptologie.net
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