101 ways to fail at getting value out of your investments in security analytics, and how not to do that
An Introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Stop and Step Away from the Data: Rapid Anomaly Detection via Ransom Note File Classification
Sight beyond sight: Detecting phishing with computer vision.
Catch me, Yes we can! -Pwning Social Engineers using Natural Language Processing Techniques in real-time
Another one bites the dust: Failed experiments in infrastructure security analytics and lessons learned from fixing them
PowerShell Classification: Life, Learning, and Self-Discovery
Can data science deal with PAM?
Tracking Malicious Logon: Visualize and Analyze Active Directory Event Logs
Decision Analysis Applications in Threat Analysis Frameworks
Looking for the perfect signature: an automatic YARA rules generation algorithm in the AI-era
Hackademia: The 2018 Literature Review
Arbitrary Albatross: Neutral Names for Vulnerabilities at Volume