#1LinuxThingADay: Everyday Linux Use Cases

BSides SATX 2019

Presented by: Roxy Dee
Date: Saturday June 08, 2019
Time: 14:00 - 14:50
Location: Moody 102
Track: In the Beginning

Have you ever wondered what exactly you would do with Linux? After discovering that she doesn't enjoy writing in a journal daily, Roxy decided to take 2 weeks to write about what she loves: Linux. The result was 16 examples of specific commands and their use cases all on the command line. Watch live demos covering topics such as user management, manipulating files, and fun ways to accomplish common system administration tasks.

Roxy Dee

Roxy works as a Vulnerability Management Service Architect for the Cleveland-based, Splunk-focused MSSP Hurricane Labs. Her position at Hurricane allows her to further explore, expand, and share perspectives about one of her favorite topics — vulnerability management. Her background also includes experiences as a network security analyst, a security infrastructure engineer, and detecting online banking fraud. Some of her favorite things are Linux, penguins, RFCs, and discussing anything infosec.

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